So, for those of you that may or may not know one of my close friends happens to be a wonderful male model by the name of Aaron @k_oakley and I thought what better time than the present to gather his thoughts on the current predicament regarding my friends, on a zoom call.
So, in this forty minute video what you'll watch and listen to isn't just a superficial conversation on what it takes to be a model, but the resilience of the human spirit. Aaron as you'll come to know in this video was homeless at one point, and the success he has encountered is due to his formidable sense of worth and character which propelled him to walk into an agency and ask for a seat at the table. Apart from this, I was also able to discuss my frustration with the trip and why it left me feeling drained. The truth is there's a lot going on behind the lens that isn't filmed and often these situations leave me feeling slightly overwhelmed. There comes a time in ones life when walking away becomes the only answer....