Hi everyone! Always remember that this section of the website explores each topic on the Youtube channel in more detail and at the end of the day what is expressed below ( or in my videos) is solely my opinion. My platform has never been used as a tool to attack or belittle anyone, it has however been a source for authentic human connections, the ups and downs of friendships and relationships and the other various ongoings of my life. That being said, todays topic is based on Season 4 Episode 15 of Life of Dmitri Ruwan, also knowns as Things People Say.
I have made it known in the past four episodes that things in my universe are changing. Not just from a digital standpoint but an emotional one too. I have for the past two months distanced myself from two people that I care for very much for reasons that will stay private, at least where I'm concerned. However, certain parties have found it necessary to articulate their narrative of events in a manner that solely suits their aesthetic, and I'm not here to content with that. In the episode above, I voice my opinion to the best of my capabilities and I would like to think I do so without hurting anyone. At the end of the day these are things that have really happened and I bear no gain from creating a false reality.
The truth is, social media doesn't make you a celebrity, or at the every least not where I'm concerned. I'm a qualified designer, journalist, freelance writer and Youtuber. I admire the intricacies of building a dynasty off social media, however that is not where I'm at in this game and as my following grows, I don't see it changing to the point of view where my version of reality is distorted. I do believe that social media causes people to create a guided cage for themselves, and often times the key to that very self built contraption is lost in the process. We are responsible for our actions, our behaviour and our words and I stand very firmly behind my decision to step back from past friendships.
Follow me on Instagram @dmitriruwan for daily stories and fashion videos.
However, at the time of writing this I am on good terms with one person, while the other refused to meet me for unknown reasons. The way I look at it, real friends can tell you what you're doing wrong, but most people don't. Because most people think about themselves, and when you find the right set of people, who are unabashedly honest in their opinions, seeped in love for you its important to set ego to the side and value them. I suppose, the moral of todays article is when we set ego aside, often times we see things with clarity and in the process enviably find the peace we yearned for.