In the past few weeks if there’s a reoccurring commentary I’ve heard more times than the mention of the word Quarantine, it is a deep sense of nostalgia for the way things were.
It isn’t deeply insightful of me to have picked up on this, after all given that we’re in a global lockdown one would be amiss not to! Most of us have begun to reminisce about our time spent soaking up the sun by the ocean front or sitting at our favourite open café while reading a good book and mostly the time spent with friends, family and loved ones. However, amidst all this I can’t help but feel as if I’m swimming upstream.
Let me elaborate, firstly if you’re reading this from the comfort of your home you’re privileged - that’s just the factual reality one must embrace. Second, my feelings of moving against the current comes from my general approach to life. I have not been missing the cafès, bars, restaurants and mall hopping shenanigans I’ve been privy to on the vlogs, not because they weren’t enjoyable but because for the longest time I’ve made it my mission to focus on the beauty of being alone. I find myself caught in between frenzied messages from friends and family, all wishing they could go about their usual routines or see one another and I feel a sense of comical detachment - is that cruel? After all, we are all born alone, and at the risk of sounding terribly gothic we leave this world alone, is it then not imperative to do the internal work required to be at one with our inner selves while we’re still able to? If a great portion of our anxiety,stress and depression during this time comes from an inability to feel whole by means of consumerism and physical touch, were we ever really happy?
The Buddha once said; “All things appear and disappear because of the concurrence of causes and conditions. Nothing ever exists entirely alone; everything is in relation to everything else. If these subliminal words are to be fully acknowledged and practiced then we are never truly alone. But if at this moment in time if your regrets far outweigh your sense of tranquility at the sheer beauty of how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved and you find yourself pacing, agitated, waiting for a time when life has colour again. It’s time to ask yourself if what you had was a wholesome and fulfilling approach to life or a dependency on external factors that leave you unable to acknowledge the true power of You.#quarantineandmeditate